On May 26, the famous scholar Li Yi offered a splendid lecture in X8210 meeting room of School of Humanities. Professor Li communicated with professor Duan Congxue, professor Huang Shuguang, associate professor Wu Deli and other teachers and graduated students around the theme “the problem awareness in literary studies and topic selection of post-graduate’s thesis”.
This lecture was hosted by professor Duan Congxue. First of all, professor Li Yi directly pointed that the problem of literary studies should be found in personal experience. That is the most important thing. Professor Li talked about it from his own experience. He referred that professor Wang Furen’s study to Lu Xun deeply influenced on his studies. Professor Wang introduced the understanding to literature into the guidance to people. Because of that, professor Li learned about that academic research is not far away from us and it is not a hard thing for us. Academic research is the problem of self-realization which can be connected with life.
And then, professor Li talked that the target of academic research should be found in life and knowledge. In order to illustrate this view, professor Li briefly introduced the development of modern literature as a discipline through these two channels. Since 1980s, scholars had begun to conduct research with their life experience. The term “history of Chinese literature in 20 century” is for exploring the logical beginning and operating law. Professor Li emphasized “Mechanism of Republic Period” whichincluded fruitful achievements in historical studies, so that problems can be found with the historical sight.
Professor Li had stressedthat life experience should beassociate with knowledge likeSherlock Holmes. The lecture ended in warm applause from teachers and students.