On January 7, in order to seeking cooperation possibilities, the Chinese project manager Miss NISACHOL THAITHONG
and the representative of faculty Mr VONG SENPISETH from Surat Thani Rajabhat University had firstly visited School
of Humanities. On behave of the school, secretary Li Gang, executive viced-ean Xiang Zhongmin, deputy dean
Gan Lin and the director of International office Zhao Jing had worked with the delegation of Thailand.
The two sides briefly introduced their universities and schools at the very beginning. Under the background of the
increasingly deep cooperation and communications between two countries, Surat Thani Rajabhat University decided to
make Chinese as one of the most important foreign languages they opened. They hoped that more Chinese teachers
of School of Humanities can be send to Thailand to engage more students to learn about China. Secretary Li Gang
negotiated with the Thai represents about cooperation and training mode after knowing the subject setting and teaching
atmosphere of Surat Thani Rajabhat University.
He said that two sides should cooperate at both arts and science departments. The collage students are also be welcome
to School of Humanities to attend graduate school. In addition, the cooperation of academics and countries should be
developed either. Miss NISACHOL THAITHONG had proposed that some short term projects like summer camp can also
be set to help more students adjustto each other in life style.